Desktop Virtualization

5 Must-Attend Dell Technologies World 2018 Sessions

Because this conference covers such a wide array of subjects, I'm going for breadth and not depth in this list

15 Windows 10 Template Tips for Administrative VMs

Here's what Rick Vanover learned while making a new Windows 10 template virtual machine.

How To Create a Linux Instant Clone for VMware Horizon

Tom Fenton walks through upgrading a VMware Horizon environment, installing a Linux desktop, configuring a Linux guest for instant clones and deploying instant clone desktops.

How To Configure Linux Desktops for VMware Horizon with Ubuntu

Tom Fenton shows how to use an Ubuntu VM as a full clone guest on VMware Horizon.

Cloud & Virtualization Computing: Defining the Terms

To properly discuss IT-industry issues, a set of definitions needs to be established.

How To Set Up a SQL Express Database for Horizon View

It's not hard, but the steps need to be followed carefully.

The Composable Datacenter of the Future

IT Infrastructure is always evolving. The next big change will be back toward an old, familiar model, closer to the days of the mainframe than the era of siloed servers that has dominated for decades.

The EUC Failure

Unnecessarily complicated login processes demonstrate how far there still is to go.

VMware Workstation: Still Useful After All These Years

Version 14 has an updated latency simulator that has enterprise uses.


VMware is at an exciting and dangerous point in its existence. It can potentially dominate some emerging markets, but can also lose out in several key areas. Choosing wisely is paramount.

How To Artificially Constrain the Network in a Virtual Environment

For those times when latency needs to be added for testing purposes.

VMware Exceeds Financial Expectations in Q2

Revenue was up more than 12 percent from the previous year.

The Changing Challenges of End-User Computing

As fragmented endpoint devices meet increasingly fragmented data, applications, services and storage, new ways of thinking about how to tie it all together are emerging.

Citrix: Past, Present and Future

After another CEO departure, the company is in dangerous waters. It needs more balance if it's going to avoid the sharks.

Citrix CEO Tatarinov Steps Down

His successor is former CFO David Henshall.

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