In-Depth Features

Azure Stack: Squeezing the Little Guy

The growing cloud divide that's separating SMB from enterprise.

VMware Dives Into the Deep End of Containers

VMworld 2016 showed how much the company has done to develop the technologies.

10 Questions, 10 Answers with Ray O'Farrell

The VMware CTO shares his thoughts on the Dell buyout, vendor lock-in, VMworld 2016 and more.

Threats on Every Side

VMware faces intense competition in the market, from competing products and huge vendors like Microsoft, Citrix and Google.

The 'Brochureware' Era Is Over

Hardware and software vendors need to change sales strategies.

Hyper-Convergence: 3 Reasons to Move, 3 Reasons to Wait

The upsides -- and downsides -- of hyper-converged infrastructure.

Time for a Virtualization Marketplace?

To keep up with cloud providers, the answer is yes.

VMworld 2016 Must-See Sessions

Tom's learning about containers and new storage options, among other goodies.

Is Customer Premises Equipment an IoT Solution?

Containers may hold the key to securing devices.

Ransomware: Coming to a Hypervisor Near You

Hyper-V is at the top of the risk chart.

The Quest for Guaranteed Recovery Assurance

You probably have a disaster recovery plan in place. But do you know that it's ready if your worst-case scenario occurs?

Hyper-V Replica, Part 2: Scaling

Exploring replication on Azure.

Persistent vs. Non-Persistent Workloads: the Admin's Conundrum

Exploring options in the bare-metal world.

A Brief History of VMworld

What started as a small gathering of virtualization geeks has grown into a powerhouse IT event.

Disaster Recovery Planning for Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

Is "shelter in place" really the right answer?

3 Common Challenges with Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery

When considering a move to the cloud for your precious data, keep these gotchas in mind.

What Pat Gelsinger Should Announce at VMworld 2016

Our experts put themselves in the CEO's shoes for the keynote address.

The Real Threat to VMware: KVM

How will the virtualization leader respond?

Containers: Still More Hype Than Substance

Until they're boring, they won't go mainstream.

3 DevOps Tools You Should Start With

There are so many options out there; here's a quick guide to finding the right ones.

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