
Radware Promises Carriers and Service Providers Extreme Network Flexibility

Scale out to meet demand. Scale in to optimize resources.

Carriers and service providers faced with the challenge of balancing customer demand and network efficiency can now look to Radware. The company, which specializes in  application-delivery and -security solutions for virtual and cloud data centers, has announced ElasticScale, a solution that scales and programs networks for L4-L7 application delivery. ElasticScale is part of Radware's application framework, which proactively optimizes network services by programming software-defined networks (SDN). 

Due to the diversity of client machines used to access data, and varying content consumption patterns, service providers must dynamically scale out services to meet demand, and scale in services to optimize resources. ElasticScale uses SDN, server virtualization, and cloud orchestration technologies to rapidly respond to spikes in demand for certain network services, and optimally distribute traffic between network service elements while changing resource allocation. ElasticScale addresses all three aspects of network service scalability: virtual appliance provisioning, traffic distribution across virtual appliances, and acceleration of virtual appliance I/O. 

Carriers and service providers can deploy ElasticScale as a standalone virtual network function (VNF) that provides customers with ADC-derived network services. Another option is to deploy ElasticScale as a VNF that enables dynamic scalability of the network services running in the internal infrastructure.

About the Author

Christa Ayer is a freelance technology writer based in Seattle, Wash.


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